How Schools Share Information About Clubs

This survey looks at how schools are sharing information about school clubs, and at what information parents and carers (and children) would like to receive.

It will be used to support a research and development project for my computer science degree with the Open University, in the hopes of developing software that can help schools share information more easily, and make it easier for parents to know what clubs are available at their children's schools.

Taking part in this survey is completely voluntary, no questions are compulsory, and all replies are anonymous.

How do you prefer to receive information about school clubs? (tick all that apply)

Has your child (or you if you are responding as a pupil) ever lost out on a school club opportunity because you lacked information about it?

What information would you like to receive about school clubs?
Do not care Somewhat important Very important
Time and days/dates of clubs
Name of club
Type of club
Description of club activities
Experience needed to join (beginner, experienced etc)
Name(s) of club leader(s)
Club leader(s) introduction
Is a club running or cancelled on a particular day?
Spaces available

Time and days/dates of clubs

Name of club

Type of club

Description of club activities

Experience needed to join (beginner, experienced etc)

Name(s) of club leader(s)

Club leader(s) introduction



Is a club running or cancelled on a particular day?

Spaces available

When I search for a school club I want to be able to filter by (tick all that apply)

Is there anything else you would like schools to share about their clubs?